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Audi RS 6


Performance in four generations – For the Audi RS 6's 20-year anniversary, the media drive became a road trip adventure, as the high-performance sports car simply belongs on the streets. Selected journalists were given the opportunity to experience the generations of the Audi RS 6 in the picturesque Rocky Mountains and enjoy comfort and nature for two days.


Up to 10 journalists per group drove an exceptionally scenic route through Canada's most beautiful nature reserves, from Banff to Jasper National Park. The almost surreal natural panoramas of majestic mountain ranges and dark green forests were the perfect backdrop for a drive with the Audi RS 6. Hence, the testing took place in wild nature, flanked by the turquoise waters of Two Jack Lake and Bow Lake, along with outdoor catering. The scenic road of Icefield Parkway offered journalists more than merely unique landscapes. The absolute highlight consisted of bear and elk sightings, at times right at the roadside. The day came to a close in the charming city of Banff, in the renowned and historic Fairmont Banff Springs, featuring a view of Canada's natural treasures.

The media reports were extremely positive thanks to the extraordinary destination with its countless photo opportunities. The journalists reported on their experience in unusual measure and many of the participants were grateful for the "entirely different" driving event.

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